Business Plan
Support members in improving environmental health (EH) in New Mexico by promoting their expertise, professionalism, advancement and recognition.
· Provide training opportunities to maintain credentials
· Gain and maintain knowledge for certifications
· Market field of EH to New Mexico partners
· Set professional standards (code of ethics)
· Provide networking opportunities locally and globally
· Advocate for public health and EH policies
· Recognize EH contributions of members
· Recognize members for professional image with awards, in newsletters, and on the website.
· Further EH through offering scholarships and grants, obtaining funding, giving science fair awards, providing position papers on environmental health topics.
· Marketing EH to new recruits, funding sources, partners, decision makers, and the media.
· Providing educational opportunities via monthly guest speakers, a regular newsletter, website, annual conference (credential exams), collaborative trainings, vector control course, FDA, scholarships for members, training materials.
· Increase funding through member dues, corporate sponsorship, grants and other means in order to fund association activities.