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NMEHA Bylaws – Revised 2011

New Mexico Environmental Health Association is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization

Article II Election and Duties of Officers and Executive Board

Section 1 – Election of officers shall be by written ballot or electronic ballot and submitted to the

Secretary. A ballot approved by the Executive Board shall be sent to each voting member at

least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting. To be elected, a nominee must receive a simple

majority of the Active members voting. In the event of a tie, an immediate runoff election shall

be held between the nominees at the annual meeting. The winner will be the individual with the

most votes of the Active members present at the annual meeting. If a vacancy occurs in the

office of President during the year, the President-elect shall become President and shall perform

duties of both positions for the rest of the unexpired term. At the expiration of the term, the

President-elect position shall be open for election. If any other office experiences a vacancy, the

board has the option of holding a special election or a quorum of the Executive Board may

appoint a qualified member to serve for the remainder of the unexpired term.

Section 2 – Consent from a person being considered for an office must be obtained before

his/her name may be placed in nomination, either by the nominating committee or from the floor

during the annual business meeting. The Nominating Committee shall attempt to provide at least

two candidates on the ballot for each position. Candidates for President-elect must be an Active

or Life member of NEHA.

Section 3 – The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and have general

supervision over the business and affairs of the Association.

Section 4 – The President-elect shall perform the duties of the President in his/her absence.

Section 5 – The Secretary shall issue proper notice of all meetings, record the proceedings of the

meetings of the Association and of the Executive Board, keep accurate records of members and

dues paid. The minutes of all Executive Board meetings, once approved, shall be distributed to

the Board members.

Section 6 – The treasurer shall keep careful record of all monies received, handled and

expended; faithfully care for all monies entrusted to his/her keeping, paying out the same only

with the endorsement of the President. The Treasurer shall be a member of the Auditing

Committee but shall not participate in the review or audit of the books.

Section 7 – The Directors shall have jurisdiction over matters pertaining to the management,

maintenance, growth, and welfare of the Association and shall approve all expenditures of

money by the President and Treasure.

Article III Committees

Section 5 – The Nominating Committee shall present a slate of nominees for the election of

Officers and Executive Board to the membership at least (30) days prior to the election. The

Nominating Committee shall administer the elections and be responsible for tabulating the votes.

The Secretary shall collect the ballots.

NMEHA Constitution – Revised 2011

Article V Officers and Executive Board

Section 1 – The Officers of this organization shall be a President, Immediate Past President,

President-elect, Secretary and Treasure. There shall also be three elected Directors. The

Officers and Directors shall constitute the Executive Board. A quorum shall consist of four

members of the Executive Board.

Section 2 – The President and the President-elect shall be either Active or Life members of


Section 3 – The term of office for all officers and directors shall be one year. The Presidentelect

shall become the President. Other Officers and Directors may be re-elected, with a

maximum of two consecutive terms in the same position.

Section 4 – The Executive Board shall direct the affairs of the Association and shall represent

the best interest of the Association.

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